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Legacy Planning

A man is holding a baby and a woman is holding a doll

Are You Preparing for Future Generations?

Legacy planning is about more than just passing on wealth; it’s about preparing the next generation and ensuring your values and wishes are carried forward. At BFG Advisors, we help you create a comprehensive legacy plan that involves your family in meaningful ways. By planning ahead, you can provide for your loved ones, reduce potential conflicts, and leave a lasting impact.

A black and white drawing of a branch with leaves on a white background.

How will you shape your legacy?


Our Methods



Trusts are a versatile tool in legacy planning, allowing you to specify how and when your assets are distributed to your beneficiaries. This can include setting up educational trusts for grandchildren, ensuring that funds are used for specific purposes, or creating a family trust that preserves wealth across generations. Trusts can help minimize taxes, avoid probate, and provide clear instructions, ensuring your legacy is managed according to your wishes.



Life insurance is a crucial element of legacy planning, offering a way to provide financial security for your loved ones after you’re gone. It can help cover expenses such as estate taxes, outstanding debts, and funeral costs, ensuring that your family is not burdened with financial strain. Additionally, life insurance can serve as a direct inheritance, providing immediate funds to beneficiaries and helping to preserve other assets within your estate.


involving the next generation

Family meetings are an essential component of effective legacy planning. By bringing your children and heirs into the conversation, you can communicate your intentions, discuss the values you wish to pass on, and prepare them for the responsibilities they will inherit. These meetings foster transparency, reduce the likelihood of future disputes, and help your family understand and embrace the legacy you are building.

How Will You Ensure Your Legacy Lives On?

Creating a legacy plan with BFG Advisors means taking thoughtful steps to ensure that your wealth, values, and wishes are preserved and honored. Are you ready to start planning your legacy today?

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